DISCOVERY: Ancient Tomb Discovered In Egypt Contains About 50 Mummies From ‘Royal Entourage’

Here's some incredibly exciting ancient Egypt news: 

Egyptologists have uncovered the remains of at least 50 people inside an ancient tomb in Valley of the Kings close to the city of Luxor.

The tomb, which dates back to the 18th dynasty kings who ruled Egypt during the 14th century BC, is believed to house several children and family members of two pharaohs. Known as tomb KV 40, the necropolis has been excavated by Egyptologists from the University of Basel for the past three years. The mummified remains may shed light on its occupants.

Want to know more? Read about it in more depth here: Ancient Egyptian Tomb Found With 50 Mummies From ‘Royal Entourage’ 

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In more discovery news, a new tomb has been found with the bones of a long lost pharaoh:

"the necropolis of an entire forgotten dynasty."

Woseribre Senebkay cartouche
The Cartouche of newly discovered
pharaoh Woseribre Senebkay
Just when it seems little remains to discover of ancient Egypt, an amazing new find has come to light.

Researchers are thrilled to have found a new tomb with the bones of a long lost pharaoh named Woseribre Senebkay still inside.

Tomb robbers may have looted most of the tomb's original contents, but there is still much to be excited about. They found the pharaoh's funeral mask. His bones were in still the tomb, and scientists have pieced the ancient king back together again.

How do we know this pharaoh's name? Take a look at the picture on the left. It's a cartouche, which is a protective symbol placed around the hieroglyphs of the pharaoh's name. The hieroglyphics spell out who he is: Pharaoh Wosiribre Senebkay.

There is still so much to learn from this new discovery. That's what makes it exciting.

According to Joseph Wagner who works with the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, this doesn't simply represent the discovery of one ancient ruler. Instead, it reveals "the necropolis of an entire forgotten dynasty."

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