FACT: Ancient Egyptian Medicine: Hog's Tooth Cake

Got a stomach ache? If you lived in ancient Egypt, a local priest might prescribe a slice or two of Hog's Tooth Cake as a cure.

What exactly is Hog's Tooth Cake? It's just like it sounds: A cake, with a hog's tooth in it. 
Photo: Ancient Egyptian Cure, hog's tooth cake
Ancient Egyptian Cure?

  • 1 Hog's tooth 
  • The dough for four sugar cakes 
Baking Instructions:
  1. Get a tooth from a hog. The bigger the better.
  2. Crush the tooth as best as possible with a mortar and pestle. Aim for a fine powder, no one likes chunky teeth in their cake.
  3. Mix the crushed hog's tooth into the prepared cake batter.
  4. Pour batter into four small cake tins.
  5. Bake until golden.
  6. Eat one cake per day, for four days.

Seriously though, don't try this at home!

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