Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Scroll down to learn more about these fascinating hieroglyphic symbols.
We've included a unique "remember key" with every Egyptian alphabet symbol to help you remember it. Soon you'll be able to recognize these when you see them, and maybe even sound out a word or two.
For a real workout, try spelling your name!
Letters A to L
A in hieroglyphics: Vulture = "AH" as in: squawk
The A symbol pronounced 'AH' is represented by a vulture.
Vultures are birds that SQUAWK.
Think of a vulture's squawk to remember this symbol.
A in hieroglyphics:
Arm = "AY"
as in: aid
The A symbol pronounced 'AY' is represented by an arm.
REMEMBER KEY: Aid is something you provide with your arms. Think of AID to remember this hieroglyphic.
B in hieroglyphics:
Leg = "B"
as in: barefoot
The B symbol is represented by a leg.
REMEMBER KEY: Barefoot begins with a B. Think of going barefoot to remember this symbol.
C in hieroglyphics:
Basket = "K"
as in: cup
The C symbol is represented by a cup.
The C symbol looks like a cup. The word cup also starts with C.
Think of a Cup to remember its shape.
C in hieroglyphics: Folded Cloth = "Sss" as in: soft |
The C symbol is represented by a cloth.
Think of the word SOFT--even though there's no C in soft, the "SS" sound is the same and the folded cloth looks soft.
D in hieroglyphics: The Hand = "D" as in: dig |
The D symbol is represented by a hand.
DIG starts with D. Digging can be done with your hands.
E in hieroglyphics:
Feather = "E"
as in: eagle
The E symbol is represented by a feather.
EAGLE starts with E, and an eagle has feathers.
F in hieroglyphics: Viper = "Fff" as in: forked
The F symbol is represented by a viper.
FORKED start with F, and forked describes a viper's tongue.
G in hieroglyphics: Cobra = "J" as in: gyrate |
The G symbol is represented by a cobra.
Gyrate starts with G, which describes a cobra moving across the sand.
G in hieroglyphics: Pot symbol = "G" as in: gravy |
The G symbol is represented by a cook pot.
GRAVY start with G, and you could make gravy in a cook pot.
H in hieroglyphics: Dwelling Symbol = "H" as in: house |
The H symbol is represented by a house.
HOUSE starts with H, and the word house also describes this symbol.
H in hieroglyphics: The Wick = "H" as in: hot |
The H symbol is also represented by a wick.
HOT starts with H, and a burning candle wick is HOT.
(The 'H' symbols are interchangeable. Use whichever you prefer)
I in hieroglyphics: Feather = "I" as in: ink |
The I symbol is represented by a feather.
Ink starts with i, and some people write with feather pens.
Think of a dipping a feather into an ink pot to remember its shape.
J in hieroglyphics: Cobra = "J" as in: jewel |
The J symbol is represented by a cobra.
JEWEL starts with a "J", and cobras are covered in jewel-like scales
K in hieroglyphics: The Bowl = "K" as in: cup |
The K symbol is represented by a cup.
Think of a cup with a K sound at the beginning to remember this symbol.
L in hieroglyphics:
Lion = "L"
as in: lion
The L symbol is represented by a lion.
The L symbol is easy to remember.
The word lion starts with L.
Think of a LION to remember its shape.